Credits / terms of service

Our Wonderkitchen would not be the place it currently is if we would not have some sponsors. Our most important ones:

  • Norz GnbR. They host our website, they maintain our blog. Their knowledge is the basics of this non-profit project. Norz GnbR gave us hundreds of hours of work to us for free.
  • Techsmith. Their tool Snagit is – we are sure – the best screen capture and editing software on the market. It’s a great gift to us as we use it excessively to build our lab guides!
  • DigiCert gave the certificate we are using for free. It saved us plenty of money to us. Their support is great, we want to thank them!
  • Our “small” sponsors, you and your fellows. Beer is, what keeps the development of this site running. We honour every single bottle! Become a sponsor as well!
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We don’t collect data, except for the usual web-logging (IP, URL, time of access). This site is using Google Fonts and several plugins. We don’t know if they collect any data, and have no influence on that.
Use this site “like it is”. It’s free of charge and therefore no one guarantees for any damage caused by any errors that may be present.